Free Featured Article – Presented by LubriSyn
Winning the Drug Game

Thrust into the national spotlight with news of dermorphin doping last year, racing industry leaders are working hard to clean up the sport's image. Though it's difficult to stay one step ahead of unscrupulous trainers resorting to the use of performance-enhancing drugs to give their horses an unfair advantage, several racing organizations and individuals have thrown their support behind widespread testing and stricter penalties for offenders. The dermorphin scandal in particular provides an insightful case study about the efforts taken by the racing community to win the war on drugs. Read More
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APHA Racing Department News
Upcoming Deadlines
April 11–Ad materials due for May 2013 Digital PHR issue
April 19–Oklahoma-Bred Victoria Ennis Memorial Handicap, Remington Park, Oklahoma
April 20–Mr Lewie Memorial Handicap G1, Remington Park, Oklahoma
April 27–PSBA Derby RG1, Remington Park, Oklahoma
April 27–PSBA American Paint Classic RG1, Remington Park, Oklahoma
May 11–Colors of Houston Futurity G2, Sam Houston Race Track, Texas
May 11–Colors of Texas Maturity G2, Sam Houston Race Track, Texas
May 15–APHA Distinguished Service Award Nominees Sought
May 18–Rocky Mountain Classic Futurity G3, Arapaho Downs, Colorado
May 18–Rocky Mountain Overnight Derby, Pocatello Down, Idaho
May 19–Bucking Horse Futurity & Maturity, Miles City, Montana
May 25–Cowboy & Western Heritage Handicap G1, Remington Park, Oklahoma
June 1–Speedhorse Graham Paint & Appaloosa Futurity RG1, Remington Park, Oklahoma
June 11–Advertising materials due for July 2013 PHR

Nomination Forms Available on Website
Nomination forms for 2013 races—including the Colors of Houston Futurity and the Colors of Texas Maturity—are available online.

APHA Supports Paint Barrel Racing Incentive Program
Making its debut in 2013, the Paint Barrel Racing Incentive Program provides extra opportunities for barrel racers riding Paint Horses. This program will help provide APHA dual-approved events at existing barrel racing competitions with greater ease. Through PBRIP, the association no longer requires the use of APHA judges, offers greater flexibility in pattern size and offers exclusive PBRIP side jackpots for Paint barrel horses.
PBRIP is open to exhibitors riding both Regular Registry and Solid Paint-Bred Registry horses—the Paints must simply meet the APHA stakes race eligibility rule, RA.000.D., outlined in the Official APHA Rule Book. Exhibitors must be enrolled in PBRIP and a current APHA member in good standing. Learn more about PBRIP in this APHA press release and read the May 2013 Paint Horse Racing to dive deeper into this program.
For more information, visit the Paint racing website or contact Director of Racing Karen Utecht at (817) 222-6444 or

Paint Racers Set High Standards for 2012 Stakes Races
Two Paint Horses recently emerged victorious in the first two stakes races of the 2013 season. Imflashinthechicks won the Oklahoma Paint Futurity, and Laus Deo won the Speedhorse/Graham Farms Paint & Appaloosa Derby. Both races took place March 23 at Remington Park in Oklahoma City.
Running 300-yards in :15.35, Imflashinthechicks earned $41,488 of the $107,600 purse. Trained by Luis Villafranco and ridden by G.R. Carter, Imflashinthechicks is by Royal Quick Flash and out of Game Chicken. The 2011 sorrel solid gelding is owned by his breeder, Shirley Wheeler of Boynton, Oklahoma. In the Oklahoma Paint Futurity, the field of 10 included: Imflashinthechicks—the fastest qualifier in the trials on March 8—Coal County Line, Sunset Success, Littlemisshonky Tonk, Hot Southern Mess, Texies Little Corona, Flashem Annie, Lanas Lucky Angel, DRC Big Red and Situation.
Running 350-yards in :17.48, Laus Deo earned $23,647 of the $62,215 purse. Trained by Eddie Lee Willis and ridden by Kenny Muntz, Laus Deo is owned by Eddie Lee's wife, Joni Beth, of Caddo, Oklahoma. The 2010 sorrel solid mare by Awesome Chrome and out of Shero was bred by Marion Hoskin of Ada, Oklahoma. In the Speedhorse/Graham Farms Derby, the field of 10 included: fastest qualifier Hesa Sweet First Down, Laus Deo, Judys Miss Banks, Super Glide Harley, Guy Code, Honky Tonk Podie, KJ Cash, Lajollas Mr Big Stuff, Feeling No Pain and Rash For Cash.
Check out complete results of these stakes races and more—including video replays of each race—in the May 2013 Paint Horse Racing. Not a subscriber? Visit the Paint Racing website to sign up for this free digital publication.

Distinguished Service Award Nominees Sought
The Distinguished Service Award honors an outstanding APHA member each year. Recipients are selected in recognition of their long-term commitment and contributions to APHA and the breed at the regional, state or national level.
The association is now accepting nominations of individuals worthy of receiving this honor from any APHA member. To nominate a candidate, submit a written description of the projects the nominee has worked on and verification that the person meets the award's eligibility requirements. These requirements include:
- APHA member in good standing for a minimum of 15 years.
- Must own, or have previously owned, a Paint Horse.
- Involvement in regional association leadership.
- Service as a regional officer, director or committee member.
- Must have made a major contribution to a regional, state or national activity.
- Cannot be an APHA past-president.
The 2013 selection committee includes: Chairman Travis Titlow, California; Linda Vance, Washington; and Scot Jackson, Texas. Nominations must be received by May 15. The selection committee will choose a recipient during the APHA Workshop in June, and the award will presented at the annual APHA Convention in February 2014. Email nominations to or mail them to:
Distinguished Service Award Committee
APHA C/O Julie Haney
PO Box 961023
Fort Worth, TX, 76161-0023.

Sign Up for a Free Digital Paint Horse Racing Subscription

Paint Horse Racing—APHA's award-winning publication dedicated to Paint racehorses and speed-event horses—has gone digital. Sign up for a free digital subscription to Paint Horse Racing so you never miss an issue—six digital issues are delivered right to your inbox, along with bimonthly APHA Racing E-Newsletters and a Paint Horse Racing Yearbook. Tell your friends and help spread the news about our exciting Paint racing industry.

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Stay connected with APHA and all things related to our beloved American Paint Horses—check out the American Paint Horse Association on Facebook! Our Facebook page is a wonderful resource for the latest APHA news and Paint Horse information, as well as a great way to connect with fellow Paint Horse enthusiasts worldwide. Like our page today!
Industry News
Kim Couch and JL Treasured Smash Continue to Dominate the Cloverleaf
Though it's only April, 2013 has already been quite a year for Kim Couch and her 2000 sorrel solid mare JL Treasured Smash. The duo picked up another 1D Championship at the Silver Spur Productions Barrel Race March 15-17 in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Winning the 1D splits on Saturday and Sunday with times of :15.045 and :15.060, respectively, Kim also took home the 1D Open Average championship money. Her total payout was more than $1,600. Sired by Smash Em Joni (QH) and out of April Treasure, JL Treasured Smash was bred by Lee Campbell of Haskell, Oklahoma.

Keeneland Expansion Plans Might Include Quarter Horse Racetrack
A dash of stock horses' legendary quarter-mile speed might be coming to Eastern Kentucky in the future, according to a February 14 article on Keeneland, a noted Thoroughbred racetrack and sales company based in Lexington, Kentucky, recently revealed plans to purchase Thunder Ridge harness track in Corbin, Kentucky, and reopen it as a Quarter Horse racetrack.
Paperwork was filed with the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission in mid-February—in partnership with Full House Resorts—but no timeline for purchase or development has been disclosed. Keeneland officials have said they envision about a dozen summer race dates with rich purses bolstered by simulcasting and instant racing revenues.

ORC and Remington Park Ban Trainers Using "Frog Juice"
In a positive verdict for the war on drugs seeping through U.S. racetracks, the Oklahoma Racing Commission and Remington Park recently banned a handful of trainers suspected of doping racehorses with dermorphin. A painkiller that's more potent than morphine, dermorphin is a Class 1 Prohibited Substance by the Association of Racing Commissioners International.
Fifteen horses have tested positive for dermorphin in Oklahoma—10 were Quarter Horses trained by brothers Roberto Sanchez–Munoz and Alejandro Sanchez–Munoz, both of Vinton, Texas. They were recently suspended by the Oklahoma Racing Commission, along with three other trainers whose tests are pending. Remington Park was recently granted court approval to ban four trainers who have allegedly used dermorphin.
“It damages the integrity of the sport,” Oklahoma Racing Commission Executive Director Constantine Rieger said. “Surely when you have the industry being talked about in a negative light, it's obviously going to damage the public interest and confidence in racing.”
To learn more about dermorphin and racetracks' war on performance–enhancing drugs, read Paint Horse Racing's free featured article.

Racing Free Ponies Up the Cash Against Performance-Enhancing Drugs
In order to help clean up the use of performance-enhancing drugs in horseracing, Racing Free is showing its commitment to the cause by rewarding supporters of clean racing with cash incentives. Founded in May 2012, Racing Free is committed to creating fair and equal competition, ensuring the safety of horses and riders, and standing for integrity and prosperity in horseracing.
Supporters can join Racing Free for $300—anytime a member-owned horse wins any race and receives a clear drug test, the owner of the horse will receive $1,500. Trainers, owners and jockeys with the most Racing Free horse wins are also awarded end–of–meet bonuses. Remington Park in Oklahoma City is one of the many participating tracks. To learn more, visit the Racing Free website for more information.

BFA Announced New Partners and Added Money

Barrel Futurities of America recently announced a partnership with 4–Star Trailers to increase the BFA 4–Star Derby added money to $17,500. According to the press release, this is the most added money for any derby in the nation. The BFA 4–Star Derby is open to all 5– and 6–year–old barrel racing horses.
BFA also announced Allen Ranch Saddles as the sponsor of the $uper$takes Champion trophy saddle. The company joins Shiloh Saddlery and Team Steinhoff as an official award/saddle sponsors at the BFA World Championship, which takes place December 9–14 at Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma City. For more information, visit the BFA website.
RCI Closes Medication Loophole
In an effort to close a loophole regarding medication withdraw times, racing industry leaders hope to pass stricter, more uniform rules in 38 U.S. states where racing takes place. Most states currently treat withdraw times as recommendations, rather than an enforcement standard.
Proposed rules identify 24 drugs permitted for therapeutic administration to horses, with all other drugs banned at any level of detection. As of March 12, eight states—New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, and Massachusetts—pledged to adopt the rules by the end of 2013.
According to a March 5 Daily Racing Form article, “adoption of Restricted Administration Times would close a loophole that encourages trainers to experiment with the medications either close to the withdrawal time or within the recommended window at a lower–than–usual dose. In addition, by making the standard legally enforceable, regulators would be able to punish licensees if they were able to prove conclusively that a trainer or veterinarian administered the medication within the restricted time by means other than a positive post-race test.”

Equine Tax Parity Act Introduced
On March 6, Congressman Andy Barr of Kentucky introduced the Equine Tax Parity Act (H.R. 998), which would make horses eligible for capital gains treatment after 12 months, rather than 24, similar to other business assets. Under the current federal tax code, gains from sales by individuals of property used in a trade or business, including horses, qualify for long–term capital gains and are subject to the maximum capital gains tax rate of 15 percent for taxpayers earning less than $450,000 or 20 percent for those earning more. Because individual income tax rates can go as high as 39.6 percent, the lower rate is a real advantage, according to a press release by the American Horse Council.
Horses held for breeding, racing, showing or draft purposes qualify for the capital gains rates only if they are held for 24 months. All other business assets (except cattle) qualify if held for 12 months.
The Equine Tax Parity Act would end this discriminatory treatment of horses under the tax code and allow horse owners to enjoy the reduced rate upon sale after holding a horse for 12 months. Shortening the capital gains holding period to 12 months would give many horse owners and breeders more flexibility to sell and market their horses, and it would mean that every sale of a horse held for at least 12 months will qualify as a capital gain or loss unless that horse is held primarily for sale.
State Legislation Update
In late February, the Indiana Senate took the first steps necessary to authorize table games at the state's two racinos: Hoosier Park and Indiana Downs. Though both tracks already have casinos that offer slots, the bill would allow the addition of craps, roulette, blackjack and other table games. The bill, which would also provide tax breaks to Indiana riverboat casinos and allow them to relocate to land-based facilities, will still need to be passed by the Indiana House of Representatives, according to a February 27 Daily Racing Form article.
An Ohio law that authorized slot machines at the state's seven racetracks is still alive as of March 15, after an Ohio appeals court struck down a challenge to the law by anti–gambling group Ohio Roundtable. Ohio Governor John Kasich issued a directive in 2011, and most of the tracks are currently under construction to build or add casino facilities, according to a March 15 Daily Racing Form article.
New Jersey
A New Jersey law authorizing sports betting at casinos and racetracks is on hold, following a federal judge's ruling March 1 that upheld a challenge to the law by a group of professional sports leagues, including the NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB and NCAA. According to a March 1 Daily Racing Form article, the state is expected to oppose the decision, in which the judge cited a 1992 federal act that prohibits sports betting in most states, including New Jersey. In 2011, the state's voters voted to allow sports betting and the New Jersey legislature followed with a bill in 2012.
New Jersey also recently reached an agreement with sports betting exchange operator TVG. Beginning March 1, TVG will operate the state's account-wagering platform, formerly hosted on the website
A number of bills that would permit video lottery terminals at Texas racetracks were recently introduced into the Texas Legislature. They include:
– SJR 36 and SB789 – filed by Senator Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa, these bills call for a constitutional referendum to allow VLTs at racetracks and by Indian tribes.
– HJR 121 and HB 2729 – filed by Representative Richard Raymond, these bills call for a constitutional referendum to allow VLTs at racetracks and by Indian tribes.
– SB 1494 – filed by Hinojosa, this bill relates to the licensing and regulation racing and provides for stricter penalties for major drug rule violations.
– HB 2375 – filed by Raymond, this bill would allow the establishment of off-track betting facilities whereby purse monies generated would be allocated to additional race days at the existing racetracks in operation.
– SJR 6 – filed by Senator Rodney Ellis, this bill would allow casinos and VLTs at horse and Greyhound racetracks.
According to Texas HORSE, other legislation has been introduced to prohibit or legalize eight-liners; create a state gaming commission and require the Governor to call for a special session on casino gaming and slot machines; allow online poker; legalize and regulate social poker establishments; allow video games at bingo halls; authorize casino gaming at on federally recognized Indian tribal lands; and poker rooms at racetracks, Indian tribes and bingo halls.
Texas HORSE will also hold "Horse Week at the Capitol" April 1-5. Texas horse owners, breeders, trainers, jockeys, track employees and racing fans are encouraged to participate, meet their Texas State Senators and Representative, tell their story and ask for the legislators' support for VLTs at Texas racetracks. To make reservations and receive assistance in arranging visits with their elected officials, participants should call Texas HORSE at (817) 845-2917 or (512) 934-2974. Online registration is available.
A March 18 Dallas Morning News article noted that Let Texans Decide, a group working to promote legislature to legalize casino gambling, will only be lobbying to allow VLTs at racetracks, rather than widespread casino gambling opportunities throughout the state.
Contact Info
Phone: (817) 834-2742