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specifc courses with a high degree of speed and agility from the horse and skilled shooting from the rider. “It’s hard to fnd anything more fun than shooting and riding your Paint Horse fast,” APHA Executive Director Billy Smith said. “This is a great opportunity for fans of speed, fun and Paint Horses.”
“Valued for their athleticism, versatility and fashy markings, Paint Horses are a natural and popular choice for CMSA participants,” APHA Senior Director of Shows
Holly Slaughter said. “We’re thrilled to offer APHA points and recognition in this exciting sport.” Paint Horses who compete at the CMSA Jeffers National Championship in Tunica, Mississippi, April 16–20, are eligible to earn APHA recognition in Youth, Classic Amateur, Masters Amateur and Open divisions. Points will be determined by APHA regulation. The Paint Horse portion will be a divisional gender split payback with a 70 percent payout.
“We’re excited to welcome APHA members and their Paints to Tunica,” CMSA Executive Director Andee Lamoreaux said. “To be eligible for APHA recognition, competitors must bring their horse’s registration papers and their current APHA membership card to the show offce.”
Additional dual-approval for Paints will be offered at the 2013 CMSA Championship Series Events:
• June 4-8 —CMSA Stephenville Trailer Central U.S. Championships in Guthrie, Oklahoma
• July 31-August 3 —CMSA Scully Western U.S. Championships in Las Vegas
• September 3-7 —CMSA Classic Equine Eastern U.S. Championships in Murfreesboro, Tennessee
• October 15-19 —CMSA Tony Lama World Championships in Amarillo, Texas
Paint Horses competing at these CMSA events are eligible to earn APHA Registers of Merit, Superior Event and APHA Champion titles, and Performance Versatility and Honor Roll awards. Learn more about APHA’s recognition of mounted shooting in the 2013 Offcial APHA Rule Book , available at rulebook . Register for the CMSA Jeffers National Championship online at
Distinguished Service Award Nominees Sought
The Distinguished Service Award honors an outstanding APHA member each year. Recipients are
selected in recognition of their long-term commitment and contributions to APHA and the breed at the regional, state or national level.
The association is now accepting nominations of individuals worthy of receiving this honor from any APHA member. To nominate a candidate, submit a written description of the projects the nominee has worked on and verifcation that the person meets the award’s eligibility requirements. These requirements include:
• APHA member in good standing for a minimum of 15 years.
• Must own, or have previously owned, a Paint Horse.
• Involvement in regional association leadership. • Service as a regional offcer, director or committee member.
• Must have made a major contribution to a regional, state or national activity. • Cannot be an APHA past-president. Nominations must be received by May 15. The selection committee will choose a recipient during the APHA Workshop May 30-June1, and the award will presented at the annual APHA Convention in February 2014. The 2013 selection committee includes Chairman Travis Titlow, California; Linda Vance, Washington; and Scot Jackson, Texas. Email nominations to or mail them to Distinguished Service Award Committee, APHA, c/o Julie Haney, PO Box 961023, Fort Worth, TX 76161-0023.
APHA Members Win Big in
50 th Anniversary Buckle Drawings
Two Paint Horse enthusiasts received something extra special just for joining APHA. As part of
APHA’s 50 th anniversary membership promotion on March 1, Tina Beck of Springtown, Texas, and Carol Palmer of Somerset, Ohio, were randomly drawn from members who joined, renewed or extended their APHA membership between October 1, 2012, and February 28, 2013. Tina Tina Beck
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