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2012–2013 AjPHA President
Hi Everyone!
It’s hard to believe that my presidential year is almost to an end. There has been so much going on, and I would like to give an overview of the highlights from the past year. • In June , I became the frst AjPHA president from Missouri.
• In July , I traveled the Illinois State Fair to promote Paint Horses and my presidential project—“Paint Our Country Proud.” I then went to the Wide World Paint Horse Congress in Kansas City, Missouri, where there was a Presidential Project WesternWalk-Trot class beneftting Equine Services for Heroes. I also attended the Missouri State Fair 4-H Horse Show in Sedalia, Missouri, visiting with many Paint owners there and handing out AjPHA promotional items and Paint Horse Journal magazines.
• In September , I had the privilege to attend the Dixie Paint Horse Club’s Horses for Heroes Show in Tampa, Florida. I helped raise money for the veterans at the SMART therapeutic riding facility through their auc-tion. It was a huge honor to participate in the American Royal Parade, honoring our nation’s veterans, in Kansas City, Missouri. In the parade, I helped with the Chair-man’s Posse Group, and we carried AjPHA, MjPHC and Paint Our Country Proud banners.
• In November , an Operation Free Ride, Paint Our Country Proud, Horses4Heroes veterans open house in Columbia, Missouri, was offered. I also worked at the APHAWorld Championship Show in Fort Worth. At the end of November, I attended the APHA Zone 5 Show in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where there was another Presidential Project WesternWalk-Trot beneft class to raise money for Paint Our Country Proud. We sold POCP shirts and helped management with the show. • In December , I worked with show management at the Holiday Classic in Oklahoma City. We gave away POCP shirts and caps to the exhibitors in the therapeu-tic riding class. What a heartwarming experience! • In January , I spent a day at the SMART Therapeutic Riding Facility in Tampa, Florida. This is where my presidential project originated. My family had a sur-prise birthday celebration/cookout during our visit on my 19 th birthday! There were veterans, their families, volunteers and amazing therapeutic horses. Next, my family and I worked at the Zone 3 APHA Show at the National Western Stock Show in Denver. We handed out awards, worked at the APHA booth, the interac-tive educational exhibit and visited with many people
about Paints. Ending January, we visited the Hearts and Horses Therapeutic Riding Center in Loveland, Colorado, for the day. We met veterans in the program, volunteers, staff and more amazing therapy horses. We visited the PATH International offces in Denver, where we met with the staff and presented the one of a kind Cowboy Bronze sculpture “Paradise” to the organiza-tion. It was extremely important to be able to donate this sculpture because of all the work PATH does to help people through therapeutic riding. I am hoping the “Paradise” sculpture will inspire many people for years to come.
• In February , I launched a nationwide tack drive to help therapeutic centers locally and across the nation. I also worked at the March to the Arch APHA Show in Lake St. Louis, Missouri, and at the Zone 6 APHA Show in Tunica, Mississippi.
This presidency has been a lot of fun, and I have learned a great deal. I could not have done it without everyone’s support and encouragement. I plan on continuing to support and promote the Paint Horse and theYouth involved as long I live.
I have to say, Paint Horses have taught me a lot, especially in the therapeutic riding area, where the horse knows how to help those in need. There’s an old saying, “It’s just a horse, of course.” Horses are so much more than that. Horses can give life to those in need.
At the 2013 AjPHAYouthWorld Championship Show, it will be time to turn everything over to the new president, and your incoming president is a great one. Kaitlyn McCulley is an avid PaintYouth who is passionate about this association. I know she will do a great job with the help of her family and friends in the APHA. Let’s all give her a warmAPHA welcome.
Thank you all once again. I hope if anyone has any thoughts and concerns, with anything pertaining to the Paint Horse, the association or even theYouth, I will always be here to listen and help.You can’t get rid of me that easy! LOL! Sincerely,
18 S u m m e r 2 0 1 3 • P A I N T H O R S E C O N N E C T I O N
18 S u m m e r 2 0 1 3 • P A I N T H O R S E C O N N E C T I O N
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