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• Mandy McCutcheon of Aubrey, Texas, guides Always Gotyer Guns Up to a 231 in the National Reining Breeders Classic Non-Pro fnals to win the championship title and a check for $40,948. It was the highest Non-Pro score ever at the NRBC and may be the highest Non-Pro score in any NRHA event. The following day, Spooks Gotta Whiz and Shawn Flarida marked a 236 in the NRBC Open fnals for the $75,000 check and bragging rights for the highest score ever marked at an NRBC Open event.

• APHA welcomes J.W. Brooks Hat Company as the newest APHA partner. The company chose to enter into a relationship with APHA as a result of the association’s member enthusiasm and the special place the American Paint Horse holds in the Western culture.


• APHA and The Trail of Painted Ponies announced the winners of their jointly sponsored spring art competition. The winning design, submitted by Janee Hughes of Aumsville, Oregon, is titled “Harmony,” and depicts a striking tobiano mare and foal whose markings beautifully blend together. The fgurine is available for sale in APHA’s General Store. • Executive Director Billy Smith debuted a weekly news broadcast highlighting the week’s Association news. “Fresh Paint” gives APHA members and enthusiasts around the world an opportunity to stay informed of the latest news directly from the top. “Fresh Paint” is available on APHA’s YouTube Channel at

• Three American Paint Horses won divisional titles at the Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association National Championships. APHA recognizes Cowboy Mounted Shooting for APHA performance points as well as PAC performance credits.

• The American Competitive Trail Horse Association announced the frst horse to win the prestigious Platinum Medal is an American Paint Horse, Seco Johnie Wolf, owned and ridden by Judy Limsky of Forney, Texas.

• APHA and the Appaloosa Horse Club announced that they will host overlapping Youth World Championship Shows in 2013 at Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth. “In the current economic climate, it is vital that horse organizations explore cooperative and creative ways to grow the horse show industry,” APHA Executive Director Billy Smith said.


• APHA’s family of publications—Paint Horse Journal, Paint Horse Connection, Paint Horse Racing—received top industry honors from American Horse Publication’s annual award contest. The editorial, design and marketing teams earned 12 awards, which included fve frst-place plaques. The Paint Horse Journal rose to the top of its publication class, winning the coveted General Excellence award for publications with circulation under 15,000. • Thirty Regional Clubs were awarded $1,000 sponsorships from APHA as part of the new incentive program to bolster APHA clubs across the globe.

• The 2012 AjPHA Youth World Championship Show hosted 293 young equestrians from 34 states, plus Canada, Germany, Austria, Australia, France, Holland and Switzerland in Fort Worth to vie for championship titles during the annual nine-day show. Seventy-three world championship titles were awarded while jackpots, slot classes, introductory and fun classes added depth to the class list, resulting in a total of 1,455 paid entries. Professional trainers volunteered a full day before the show to help new competitors at the AjPHA Boot Camp. A new fat fee, introductory classes, fun classes and Limited Exhibitor recognition were well received. The All-Around 13 & Under and High-Point Western awards went to Ryan Stille of Colleyville, Texas, showing T Town Sensation. The 14-18 All-Around and High-Point English awards went to Ashley Wildes of Lakeside, California, showing Hesa Texas Hobo. Elizabeth Collins of Carrollton, Texas, was named All-Around Novice Youth showing Hustle Thou Art Romeo.

The Year In Review 2012



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