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2012 Scholarship Recipients

The APHF awarded $1,000 scholarships to 46 students for 2012-13. Seventeen of the recipients are new to the scholarship program, while the remaining 29 were scholarship renewals. Following are the scholarship recipients.

Receiving New Scholarships

Ella Brave received the Bill and Joye Bryan Endowment Scholarship.

Brayanna Bergstrom received the Illinois Paint Horse Club Endowment #1 Scholarship. Nicole Bricker received the California Paint Racing Endowment Scholarship. Gabrielle Buono received the Joann Cook Memorial Endowment Scholarship. Emily Castellini received the Matt Diamond Memorial Endowment Scholarship. McKenna Coveney received the Arizona Paint Horse Club Endowment #1 Scholarship. Colt Cumpton received the Robert Haas Endowment Scholarship. Danielle Kemper received the Roland & Joan Hoch Endowment Scholarship. Kale Lane received the Cross Timbers Paint Horse Club Endowment #1 Scholarship. Jamie Lynch received the Zone One Endowment #2 Scholarship.

Serina Lee Pack received the Utah Paint Horse Club Endowment #3 Scholarship. Cheyenne Patton received the Zone Three Endowment #1 Scholarship. Lauren Spivey received the Lee Newsome Endowment Scholarship. Jessica Taylor received the Illinois Paint Horse Club Endowment #2 Scholarship. Evon Timmons received the Zone One Endowment #1 Scholarship. Molly Wartick received the Zone Three Endowment #3 Scholarship.

Eva Werschky received the Arizona Paint Horse Club Endowment #3 Scholarship.

Scholarships Renewed for 2012–2013

Pamela Evans received the Southwest Washington Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship. Cody Franklin received the Floyd and Maryann Moore Endowment #1 Scholarship. Ethan Hefner received the Lynn Simons Memorial Endowment #2 Scholarship. Alli Jorgenson received the Washington State Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship. Tawnie Moore received the Duane Pettibone Memorial Endowment Scholarship Kathryn Tekulve received the Arizona Paint Horse Club Endowment #5 Scholarship. Lauren Bork received the Lynn Simons Memorial Endowment #1 Scholarship. Rachel Bruckner received the Idaho Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship. Lydia Dumont received the Dr. and Mrs. Lyle Wonderlich Endowment Scholarship. Karly Furnas received the Dr. Bill Jackson Memorial Endowment Scholarship. Christine Gordon received the Zone Three Endowment #2 Scholarship. Elaine Horton received the Zone One Endowment #3 Scholarship. Kaelee Jordan received the Nevada Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship. Kaitlin LeBlanc received the Floyd and Maryann Moore Endowment #2 Scholarship. Lisa Roberts received the Ark La Tex Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship. Cassandra Stambuk received the Arizona Paint Horse Club Endowment #4 Scholarship. Shelby Webb received the Nebraska Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship. Linne’ Beason received the Arizona Paint Horse Club Endowment #2 Scholarship. Katherine Beckett received the Mikea Smith Honorarium Endowment Scholarship. Michaela Brinkley received the Central California Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship. Christine Cobb received the Utah Paint Horse Club Endowment #1 Scholarship. Katelyn Gray received the Zone Three Endowment #4 Scholarship.

Kate Peterson received the Arizona Paint Horse Club Endowment #6 Scholarship. Paige Stawicki received the Garnier Family Endowment Scholarship. Allison Tuchrello received the Paul White Memorial Endowment Scholarship. Sarayah Voorhees received the Keith Lamoine Memorial Endowment Scholarship. Katrijn Whisenant received the Zone Two Endowment Scholarship. Tara Wilson received the Robert and Mary Parrott Endowment Scholarship. Rachel Ziesmann received the Utah Paint Horse Club Endowment #2 Scholarship.

American Paint Horse Foundation


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