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« Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page »Scholarship Endowment Funds
Endowment funds may be established in the form of an honorarium or a memorial in any name. Donations to these funds are totaled together until $25,000 is reached. When the endowment fund total is reached the fund becomes permanent and the American Paint Horse Foundation issues a $1,000 scholarship, annually, in that individual’s memory or honor. Any amount of money may be donated to an established honorarium or memorial endowment, but a minimum of $1,000 must be donated to begin one.
Permanent Endowment Benefactor Perpetuates a $1,000 scholarship annually in their name:
Zone Three Endowment #4, established 2010
Floyd & Maryann Moore Honorarium Fund #2, established 2008 Cross Timbers Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship, established 2008 Mickea Smith Endowment Scholarship, established 2008 Lynn Simons Memorial Endowment Scholarship #2, established 2007 Bill & Joye Bryan Endowment Scholarship, established 2007
Floyd and Maryanne Moore Endowment Scholarship #1, established 2007 Arizona Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship #6, established 2006 Washington State Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship, established 2005 Lynn Simons Memorial Endowment Scholarship #1, established 2005 Robert and Mary Parrott Endowment Scholarship, established 2005 Ark La Tex Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship, established 2005 Arizona Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship #5, established 2004 Paul White Memorial Endowment Scholarship, established 2004 Arizona Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship #4, established 2003 Illinois Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship #2, established 2003 Zone Three Endowment Scholarship #3, established 2003
Arizona Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship #3, established 2002 Utah Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship #3, established 2001 Zone One Endowment Scholarship #3, established 2001 Zone Three Endowment Scholarship #2, established 2000 Zone Two Endowment Scholarship, established 2000
Utah Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship #2, established 2000 Zone II/Duane Pettibone Memorial Scholarship, established 2000 Nevada Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship, established 2000 Illinois Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship #1, established 1999 Robert Haas Endowment Scholarship, established 1998
Utah Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship #1, established 1998 Zone Three Endowment Scholarship #1, established 1997
Arizona Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship #1, established 1997 Arizona Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship #2, established 1997 Joann Cook Memorial Endowment Scholarship, established 1996 Dr. Bill Jackson Endowment Scholarship, established 1996 Zone One Endowment Scholarship #2, established 1996
California Paint Racing Association Endowment Scholarship, established 1995 Matt Diamond Memorial Endowment Scholarship, established 1995 Zone One Endowment Scholarship #1, established 1995 Idaho Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship, established 1994 Keith LaMoine Memorial Endowment Scholarship, established 1994 Roland & Joan Hoch Endowment Scholarship, established 1994 Nebraska Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship, established 1991 Central California Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship, established 1991 Southwest Washington Paint Horse Club Endowment Scholarship, established 1989 Dr. & Mrs. W.V. Garnier Family Endowment Scholarship, established 1987 Dr. & Mrs. Lyle Wonderlich Endowment Scholarship, established 1985 Lee Newsom Endowment Scholarship, established 1983
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