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« Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page »AjPHA —In this great organization, Youth can become a member of a huge family of friends sharing a common bond—a love for the American Paint Horse. AjPHA offers something for everyone, no matter how long you’ve been riding, where you live or what discipline you enjoy. Join our family today!
APHA Headquarters —Located in Fort Worth, Texas, members and Paint Horse enthusiasts are invited to visit APHA headquarters to conduct business, take a tour and check out the one-of-a-kind Paint Horse bronzes.
APHA International —To better serve APHA members from around the world, the
association developed a special international-focused website that puts news and information right at your f ingertips.
APHA Online —Whether you need up-to-the-minute World Show information, online registration access or just want to take a peek at your virtual barn, APHA offers a multiple online services at .
APHA XTRAS PROGRAM — APHA has partnered with reliable, name-brand companies to offer members discounts on their favorite services and products. Look forward
to great savings on top-notch items from companies like John Deere and many more. Take advantage of additional discounted rates for hotels, rentals and more—and carry an APHA Visa card in your wallet personalized with your Paint’s photo.
Breeders’ Futurity —A prestigious competition featuring the f inest American Paint Horses and exhibitors in the world competing in a select slate of classes designed to showcase the offspring of the Paint Horse stallions enrolled in the Breeders’ Trust program and the mares bred to these stallions.
Breeders’ Trust —Financially rewards everyone responsible for an outstanding Paint Horse’s success, providing an added incentive for owners to exhibit or race their Paints. breederstrust
CHROME —A quarterly equestrian lifestyle magazine, Chrome debuts June 20 when it is delivered to members of the American Paint Horse Association. Rich in stunning photography, in-depth profles and insightful stories—all in a large 10-inch-by-12-inch format— Chrome
is an irreplaceable addition to horse lovers’ homes.
Corporate partners —APHA has joined forces with a great collection of companies that provide useful services, products and discounts to APHA members—the team includes Farnam Horse Care, Fort Worth Business Press, Gist Silversmiths, Hart Trailers, Markel Insurance Company, Merial and Purina Mills. See what APHA’s corporate partners can do for you.
EMAIL NEWSLETTER —Get all of the latest APHA news and happenings each month by signing up for APHA’s email newsletters at the bottom right-hand corner of .
Foundation —The American Paint Horse Foundation is the charitable arm of APHA. The Foundation strives to support Youth scholarships, promote equine research and preserve the heritage of the American Paint Horse.
FRESH PAINT —Catch APHA Executive Director Billy Smith every week on APHA’s YouTube channel as he talks about the latest happenings at the association and other interesting Paint Horse industry news.
General Store —Shop to your heart’s content at the premier outlet for Paint Horse merchandise.
Member Benefits —Joining APHA not only makes you a member of the incredible family of American Paint Horse owners, but also provides you access to a wide variety of exciting programs, services and resources for “members only.” Discounts and incentives from APHA partners are provided to help reduce your expenses and give you the benef it of the innovative programs provided by APHA’s team of supporters. membership
You’ll love them.
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