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« Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page »MEMBERCARE FASTTRACK —Chat with a MemberCare teammate every week on the Off icial American Paint Horse Association Facebook page as they provide real-time responses to APHA-related questions. MemberCare FastTrack, a quick-response chat session, provides superior customer service and is open to anyone . americanpainthorse
Official Show Calendar —APHA’s offcial list of Paint Horse events throughout the world, found each month in the Paint Horse Journal or
Paint Alternative Competition — Offers members competing outside the APHA-approved show ring the opportunity to develop their Paint Horse’s lifetime performance record.
Publications —Bringing you the latest happenings in the association and the Paint Horse world with the monthly print edition of Paint Horse Journal ( ), the bimonthly digital edition of Paint Horse Racing ( ) and the quarterly digital edition of Paint Horse Connection.
Racing —Paint racing brings the color, speed and thrill of Paint Horse racing to you.
Regional Clubs —More than 100 regional clubs and international aff iliates bring APHA to life at a local level, keeping members in close contact with one another and the breed they love best. Regional clubs often sponsor a variety of activities for you and your Paint Horse. For a list of clubs, visit
Ride America —Go at your own pace and earn rewards and recognition for simply doing what comes naturally—riding or driving your American Paint Horse.
Show Ring Competition —Whether you are a Youth, Amateur, Open or Solid Paint-Bred competitor, APHA has a place for you. Each year, nearly 1,200 horse shows are approved worldwide. —Now you can purchase your favorite APHA photographs online to perfectly accent your home with a touch of “Paint.” A variety of galleries—including historic APHA images, stock photography and pictures from recent APHA events— feature photographs by the APHA publications staff. With a variety of prints and gifts available, these images are the perfect complement to your Paint Horse lifestyle.
Social Networking —Stay up-to-date with the latest Paint Horse happenings on APHA’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Trail Rides —See some of America’s most beautiful countryside from the back of your horse. Find a ride near you at
World Championship Paint Horse Shows —Show off your world-class Paints against top-notch competitors.
2013 AjPHA Paint Horse Racing is now a free bimonthly digital magazine. To ensure you don’t miss an issue, sign up at and click on the purple “Digital Paint Horse Racing” button.
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